Sunday, January 11, 2015

AZP Class 16 Brotos Whitewater Rafting 1-11-2015

We all survived!!  We all came back in one piece!  A bit sunburned and tired but I think they will say they had a great day!!  I am very proud of everyone especially those who have never rafted before  and those who were quite anxious about being in water.  Everyone pushed themselves to do their best.  The morning started with a set of directions and safety instructions in both Portuguese and English.  The major commands we learned were forward, backward, left forward, left backward and get down.  We divided into three rafts of 7 with a guide.  We practiced as a team before we got started.  The water was low because this part of the state is still suffering from low waterfall which started last year.  We had several drops to maneuver and two spots where we were able to get out a swim.  At one spot they have let us float down a small drop which was fun.  That's the first in my trips that they let us swim down a drop.  We had an outstanding lunch of rice, cassava, pork ribs, salad and orange juice. Then after lunch we had the choice of zip lining or a lazy river float.  Most chose the lazy river float.  Very relaxing.  I think the following pictures will tell the story.

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